Express Your Interest

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NOTE: This form DOES NOT form a legal and binding contract. Until such time that you sign a Formal contract, your offer can not/may not be presented to the owner/s. If there are multiple interested buyers, the seller can/may only negotiate with one offer. So it is strongly recommended that you put your very BEST offer forward to avoid any disappointment.

I/We have read the above statement and I/WE am/are aware there may be MULTIPLE offers on this property and ONLY the BEST offers WILL BE written up for Sellers Consideration, so this is my BEST and HIGHEST offer for this property.

I/WE also acknowledge that I/we may not be contacted by the agent if the owner is not willing to consider my/our offer after submission of this offer form.

Purchaser Details


Are you buying as a person(s), company or trust?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload 100 points of ID


Ownership Type

In Laymans terms, joint tenants own the property equally between them and if one of the owners was to pass away, the surviving owner(s) would retain the property. This type of ownership is common with people who are married, de facto or family units. Whereas tenants in common can all own a different percentage of the property and most often owners prepare a will incase they pass away. If an owner is deceased, their share would be managed by the administrator for their estate on behalf of their beneficiaries. 

NOTE: It is best to get your own advice if you are unsure of the best choice.


Deposits are held in trust and go towards the purchase price. Generally, a minimum of $10,000.

NOTE: It is best to get your own advice if you are unsure of the best choice.

eg. A fixed date or a number of days from finance approval which could be 21 days from finance approval.

Are any of the buyer's classified as a Foreign Buyer?
Are you buying for:
Are you a first home buyer?
Do you need to Sell a property to Buy this property?
Do you need Finance to purchase this property?


Special Conditions

Some common conditions are building, pest or working order condition (gas, water and electrical working order)

If you don't have a settlement agent write TBA

Would you like me to get our settlement agent to provide you with some information on their services?

Shortly after submitting this form, it is recommended that you follow up with the salesperson to ensure this information has been received.